The base has been in operation since the end of the 1980s and from Waihopai NZ hoovers up data to give to the NSA. The NSA have said, the GCSB "continues to be especially helpful in its ability to provide NSA ready access to areas and countries ... difficult for the US to access".
From Waihopai NZ spies on China, Japanese/North Korean/Vietnamese/South American diplomatic communications, South Pacific island nations, Pakistan, India, Iran and Antarctica and this data is given to the NSA.

We cannot deny that Waihopai and the operations of the GCSB mean we are part of a global mass surveillance, data collection and social manipulation alliance. An alliance established by the UKUSA Agreement at the end of WW2.
The protest outside the base on Saturday 28 January may have been brief but it was followed by a day of workshops in Blenheim where the history of the spybase, the role of the GCSB and campaigning against the base were spoken about.
Waihopai spy base must be closed down and we must dismantle the Five Eyes.
Further Info:
NZ Herald articles on role of GCSB & Waihopai
Snowden revelations / The price of the Five Eyes club: Mass spying on friendly nations
#snowdenNZ / How foreign spies access GCSB's South Pacific intelligence
Snowden revelations: NZ's spy reach stretches across globe
Revealed: The names NZ targeted using NSA's XKeyscore system
Nicky Hager
Anti-Bases Campaign -
The 5th Eye -
iSpy - The Five Eyes Alliance -